A new picture book by British author helps young children coping with grief

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An author/illustrator from England has published her 1st book to aid young children in coping with loss.

Emma, the “grandad on the moon” author, created her story after losing her dad last year. Emma struggled to explain her dad's passing to her 3-year-old son. I started saying the generic “Grandads in the sky now”. His response was “is grandad on the moon”. I knew I had to create a book then, to help other young children.

I wanted my book to be enjoyable for younger readers, so I tried to avoid being negative and sad. My son used to talk about the different adventures his grandad was having on the moon. I knew I had to incorporate his ideas into this book, because his imagination will help other young readers.

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I also discovered that illustrating the pictures had a positive impact on my mental health and provided me with something constructive to do while I dealt with grief myself. It’s a bittersweet moment knowing my dad will never get to see my book. But, I hope he is reading it from the moon.

Grandad on the moon is now available globally in 12 different countries.

Get your copy here on Amazon: Grandad on the moon

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