Dancing On Ice: Leeds viewers praise city's own Nile Wilson on 'well deserved win' after he takes home the crown

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Leeds gymnast Nile Wilson and his skating partner Olivia Smart have been crowned the champions of Dancing On Ice after a dazzling final which saw a string of perfect scores.

The Olympian, 27, saw off competition from reality star Joey Essex, who came second, and drag queen The Vivienne, who finished in third place, during Sunday’s grand finale.

After being declared the winner, Wilson said: “If Dancing On Ice has anything to say of entertainment, we’ve got 11 human beings all different shapes and sizes stood on this stage tonight with an allocated time to get good at something and we proved that we can do that.

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“So what an inspirational show. If you put your mind to something and you work hard you can achieve anything you want.”

He also thanked everyone who voted for them and said he will be spending the night celebrating with the people who he “loves the most”.

Fans of the show were delighted for Nile, who had been hotly tipped to win the competition from its early days. @drlaurajo wrote: “So pleased with the result!! Nile and Olivia's Bolero was absolutely gorgeous, and they've been consistently brilliant all series. A well deserved win.”

@see75 posted: “Congratulations to Nile and Olivia for being worthy winners of this year’s #dancingonice. I’ve really enjoyed watching the three finalists and how they’ve progressed through the series.”

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Leeds residents also passed their congratulations on to Nile, who was born in Pudsey, with one person writing on a community group: “Brilliant performances… well done Nile you deserved to win… you did it for Leeds.”

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