Zen offers Leeds fixed price broadband and a fast new digital future

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People in Leeds can welcome lightning-fast future-proofed broadband into their homes … and it comes with a price promise.

As Zen Internet is rolling out its lightning-fast broadband across the UK -  including Leeds - it has revealed the top three things which people look for in an internet provider.

And as a result, it has responded with a solution and a message across all those three factors: The monthly contract price, reliability, and speed.

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Thanks to provider Zen’s contract price promise, the cost will remain the same for the entire length of the contract. And reliability and speed comes via Zen’s full fibre service delivered over the CityFibre network.

This locked-in price guarantee means people in Leeds will know with confidence that nothing will change across their Zen contract, and they can plan their monthly outgoings with no nasty surprises.

The price promise comes as independent research – carried out on behalf of Zen by market researcher Opinion Matters  – revealed people can get angry, frustrated and even feel deceived, by their broadband providers.

This was reflected in the negative feedback from the survey which showed that over two in five people (44%) are likely to consider switching broadband provider in the next year, or when their contract is up for renewal, because of mid-contract price rises.


Price promise is not the only benefit of signing up to Zen

David Barber, the Strategy Director at Zen, has said he is disappointed with the broadband industry’s poor reputation for communications and managing expectations.

He says that disillusionment with other broadband providers stems from people being encouraged to sign up via special offers; but later mid-contract price rises are introduced.

With Zen the fee will remain the same for the duration of the contract. It can be from £28 a month, or up to £40 a month, depending on the chosen broadband plan.

The promise, says Barber, is timely as many people will soon see their monthly bills from other providers rise because of an increase due to the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 4% plus an extra margin, usually around 3.9%.

But it’s not just cost, reliability and speed are major factors when choosing a broadband provider and the Zen service over the CityFibre network ticks both of those boxes.

Network will release the potential of every smart device

Says Barber: “Deemed the gold rush decade, the 2020s will see implementation of full fibre across the nation. By 2030, everyone will have made the switch to full fibre.”

He says that people in Leeds can “get ahead of the curve” of this broadband, digital revolution “by accessing full fibre with Zen over CityFibre’s high quality infrastructure”.

The CityFibre network will release the potential of every smart device, and a home’s entire future broadband requirements, unlocking the potential of smart home applications and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Barber says that the next few years will be pivotal for connectivity in the home.

The service is available now to thousands of homes, with Zen continuing to follow the CityFibre rollout across Leeds.

The rollout sees the movement from traditional old broadband which has been delivered by copper wires. That service has been perfectly suitable for decades, but as our lives become more digitalised, the need for a modern choice has never been greater.

Check out the Zen options

Zen’s full fibre broadband is delivered by fibre optic cables over the CityFibre network. Those cables allow for a connection which is faster, more modern, and reliable than copper wires.

Zen has several speed options including Full Fibre 100 from £28 per month; and the faster product, Full Fibre 900, which is up to £40 per month. Both come with the advantage of free set-up.

As it continues its rollout, Zen is committed to reaching eight million homes in the UK through CityFibre’s £4bn network.

To find out more about Zen, and if its full fibre service is available for your home, go to Zen.co.uk/CityFibre or call 01706 902 745.

The independent Opinion Matters online research for Zen Network was conducted in December 2023, with responses from  2,004 UK adults (16+).



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