Mrs Atha’s Leeds: Customers ‘gutted’ as city centre coffee shop closes temporarily due to mounting costs

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A family-run Leeds coffee shop has temporarily closed due to the mounting pressure of the cost of living crisis - leaving customers devastated.

The owner Mrs Atha’s in Central Road, Leeds city centre, said rising costs and building work on the street has “decimated” weekday trade as they prepare to shut up shop this evening. The coffee shop will temporarily close at the end of the day.

In a heartfelt post on Instagram, owner Warren Jones said: “I don’t think it’s any secret that the hospitality industry is suffering right now. I’m sure many of our regulars have chatted with me over the last few months and heard me say how we are struggling with how much it’s costing us to run the shop.

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“I’m also sure you have all noticed the building works currently going on on our street. It’s having an almost ruinous effect on us. Our weekday trade has been absolutely decimated.

Mrs Atha's coffee shop in Central Road has announced its temporary closure due to the cost of living crisis (Photo: James Hardisty)Mrs Atha's coffee shop in Central Road has announced its temporary closure due to the cost of living crisis (Photo: James Hardisty)
Mrs Atha's coffee shop in Central Road has announced its temporary closure due to the cost of living crisis (Photo: James Hardisty)

“We are on the brink. If this shop didn’t mean so much to me personally and I wasn’t so emotionally invested in every single aspect of it then I believe I would have already called it a day. But I’m not doing that, I’m fighting with everything I have to stay here and keep things moving.

“Everyone knows how much this place means to me. My grandma’s name is above the door. I love doing what I do. I love the people. Our amazing loyal customers. I love this city.”

Warren praised his team and their commitment to the coffee shop, and added that while it was a “sad day”, it was not the end for the business.

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He said: “We promise you that we will do everything in our power to come back stronger and better than ever, but for now all we can do is say thank you to every single one of you for your ongoing support.”

Support from hundreds of customers poured in following the announcement on Monday. One said: “Leeds would never be the same without you guys.” Another added: “So gutted to hear this Warren. Sending love to you guys.”

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