Kuala Lumpur Horsforth: Popular Leeds restaurant forced into sudden closure due to cost of living crisis

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A Leeds restaurant has announced its sudden closure due to the rising pressures of the cost of living crisis.

The Horsforth branch of the Kuala Lumpur officially closed its doors for the final time on Tuesday this week.

Serving authentic Malaysian food as well as a selection of cocktails, gin, beer and wine, the restaurant and bar opened on Horsforth's Town Street in October 2021.

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Speaking to the YEP, owners Bart and Herman, described the closure as a decision made with a ‘heavy heart’ but that they were left with little choice.

Norman Musa, former Executive Chef at the Horsforth restaurant. Picture: Gary LongbottomNorman Musa, former Executive Chef at the Horsforth restaurant. Picture: Gary Longbottom
Norman Musa, former Executive Chef at the Horsforth restaurant. Picture: Gary Longbottom

They said: “The increased cost in ingredients, energy and everything is the main driving force behind the decision. We just weren’t performing at the level to match the costs.

"We had hoped that there would be a pick up in business over Christmas but obviously people have less money. We made the decision just before Christmas that there wasn’t the money left in the business and that financially we just couldn’t support the operation anymore."

Not wanting to make the announcement before the Christmas period, Bart and Herman decided to wait until a New Year’s Eve gathering of the staff to break the difficult news.

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They said: “It was very difficult to tell the staff but most of them were very supportive and understood the situation. Obviously there was a lot of disappointment but we tried our best.”

Kuala Lumpur’s Headingley branch will remain open with Bart and Herman describing their time in Horsforth as a ‘pleasure’.

“It was with a heavy heart that we made the decision but we just want to thank the customers for all their support.” the pair added.