Ryanair to cut 3,000 jobs due to coronavirus pandemic

Ryanair is set to cut 3,000 jobs. Pictured is a Jet 2 aircraft at Leeds Bradford Airport. Picture: Tony JohnsonRyanair is set to cut 3,000 jobs. Pictured is a Jet 2 aircraft at Leeds Bradford Airport. Picture: Tony Johnson
Ryanair is set to cut 3,000 jobs. Pictured is a Jet 2 aircraft at Leeds Bradford Airport. Picture: Tony Johnson | jpimedia
Ryanair has said it expects up to 3,000 jobs to be lost as part of a restructuring of the airline.

Ryanair announced the planned job cuts as it revealed it expects to operate under 1% of its schedule between April and June.

It said in a statement: "As a direct result of the unprecedented Covid-19 crisis, the grounding of all flights from mid-March until at least July, and the distorted state aid landscape in Europe, Ryanair now expects the recovery of passenger demand and pricing (to 2019 levels) will take at least two years, until summer 2022 at the earliest.

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"The Ryanair Airlines will shortly notify their trade unions about its restructuring and job loss programme, which will commence from July 2020.

"These plans will be subject to consultation but will affect all Ryanair Airlines and may result in the loss of up to 3,000 mainly pilot and cabin crew jobs, unpaid leave and pay cuts of up to 20%, and the closure of a number of aircraft bases across Europe until traffic recovers.

"Job cuts and pay cuts will also be extended to head office and back office teams.

Group CEO Michael O'Leary, whose pay was cut by 50% for April and May, has now agreed to extend this 50% pay cut for the remainder of the financial year to March 2021."

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