Coronavirus alert as children and teachers sent home from West Yorkshire school

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Children and teachers at a West Yorkshire school have been sent home after passing through Italy, a country where the coronavirus is spreading.

Nineteen children and four members of staff at Salendine Nook High School, in Huddersfield, have been told to self-isolate for two weeks as a precautionary measure.

They flew back from Milan Airport on Saturday, February 22, after a school ski trip.

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Health Secretary Matt Hancock said people with flu-like symptoms who have been north of Pisa are asked to stay at home for 14 days.

Salendine Nook High School (Photo: Google)Salendine Nook High School (Photo: Google)
Salendine Nook High School (Photo: Google) | other

The advice also applies to anyone who recently returned from Italy's quarantined towns even if they have no symptoms

Italy has put 11 towns in Lombardy and Veneto into lockdown.

Police are manning checkpoints around the towns in quarantine, after 229 people have tested positive for the virus and seven died.

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In a message to parents, Principal Darren Christian said: "We have just been given information by Public Health England that all people who have visited or travelled through northern Italy recently, should self-isolate for two weeks from the point of last contact in the area affected.

"Our ski trip returned from northern Italy (Milan airport) on Saturday 22 February.

"This is an area which is affected by the virus. As a result of this, we have sent home 19 children and 4 staff, as a precautionary measure in line with Public Health England’s advice.

"These children and staff will be returning to school on Monday 9th March 2020.

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"I realise that this may be a stressful time for you so please feel free to contact school for further information, advice or support.

"If the advice changes I will be in touch with further updates. These will be made via email, school website and twitter.

"If you have specific medical concerns, you should contact Public Health England on 111 for further advice on symptoms and measures to protect family members. The symptoms are fever, shortness of breath and a dry cough."