All you need to know about group meet-ups, having barbecues and how far you can travel

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Some long-awaited changes are in store following the Prime Minister's announcement that some lockdown measures will be eased from Monday.

But what exactly will people around the UK be allowed to do once restrictions are lifted, and what will still be frowned upon?

- Can I visit family and friends?

As of Monday, people in England will be able to gather outdoors in socially-distanced groups of six. This means that groups can meet in parks and private gardens for chats and barbecues.

People in England will be able to gather outdoors in socially-distanced groups of six from Monday. Pictured people enjoying a walk on the Cow and Calf in Ilkley.People in England will be able to gather outdoors in socially-distanced groups of six from Monday. Pictured people enjoying a walk on the Cow and Calf in Ilkley.
People in England will be able to gather outdoors in socially-distanced groups of six from Monday. Pictured people enjoying a walk on the Cow and Calf in Ilkley. | jpimedia

- How far am I allowed to travel?

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There are no mileage limits set for how far you are allowed to drive to visit family and friends in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland, but the general advice is to remain in your local area as much as possible.

- Can I stay overnight?

Staying overnight at someone else's home will still not be allowed anywhere in the UK, while even going indoors for any other reason than to access a garden or use the bathroom is prohibited.

However Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has advised that if the distance travelled to meet someone means that you have to use their bathroom, then "perhaps you shouldn't be doing it".

- What else will I be allowed to do under the new measures?

In England, Monday's lockdown easing will signal the reopening of schools to allow students in nurseries, early-years settings, and Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to return to class.

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Some shops are also set to reopen, with outdoor retail and car showrooms able to resume operations.

- When might restrictions be eased further?

Boris Johnson has flagged that more restrictions will be eased on June 15, beginning with the reopening of other non-essential retail shops such as fashion or homeware retail.

Other businesses, such as pubs, hairdressers and cinemas will have to wait until July before they can reopen, the Government has previously said.

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Laura Collins
