Military soldiers help police speak with drivers in Yorkshire during coronavirus pandemic

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Soldiers from the British Army helped the local police force in Yorkshire speak with drivers during the coronavirus pandemic.

Officers from the military worked alongside PCSO's in the Richmondshire area of North Yorkshire on Wednesday, March 31.

They spoke with drivers out and about in Catterick to enquire what they were doing - as part of new police powers granted during the Covid-19 lockdown.

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A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said on Wednesday: "Some of our PCSO’s and Special Constables spent today working with the military police (as we regularly do), engaging with drivers around Catterick.

Soldiers from the British Army and the local police force in Yorkshire speaking with drivers in Catterick. Photo: North Yorkshire Police.Soldiers from the British Army and the local police force in Yorkshire speaking with drivers in Catterick. Photo: North Yorkshire Police.
Soldiers from the British Army and the local police force in Yorkshire speaking with drivers in Catterick. Photo: North Yorkshire Police. | other

"We were really encouraged that all drivers we spoke to were out and about for work, essential shopping or to deliver medication to those who needed it.

"Thank you North Yorkshire for continuing to follow guidance by staying home and for your endless positivity and kindness!"

NYP often work with the military due to the nearby Catterick Garrison area.

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Inspector Mark Gee who oversees the Richmondshire area including Catterick Garrison, said: “The military are a key partner of North Yorkshire Police and it is normal practice for us to work very closely with them in and around Catterick Garrison.

Soldiers from the British Army and the local police force in Yorkshire speaking with drivers in Catterick. Photo: North Yorkshire Police.Soldiers from the British Army and the local police force in Yorkshire speaking with drivers in Catterick. Photo: North Yorkshire Police.
Soldiers from the British Army and the local police force in Yorkshire speaking with drivers in Catterick. Photo: North Yorkshire Police. | ugc

"It is the largest Army base in the country, we share a police station and a front counter, and it is nothing out of the ordinary to see us working alongside them – whether it’s a proactive policing operation such as Project Servator or routine patrols.

“Our interaction with members of the public and Garrison residents was welcomed by the people we spoke to and by having our military colleagues on hand, they were able to engage with Garrison personnel and be a familiar face.

"From the feedback we received, our policing style was appreciated, supported and welcomed by the local community – both soldiers, their families, and civilians alike.

“We remain focused on engagement, explanation and encouragement of the social distancing rules and will only use enforcement as a last resort."