'We are here to help': My Thai and Leeds greengrocers launch free meals for elderly amid coronavirus crisis

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MyThai restaurant has launched free meals-on-wheels for the elderly amid the coronavirus crisis.

Working with Neil's Greengrocers in Kirkgate Market, the restaurant will cook and deliver a weekly supply of stew and soup to the elderly and vulnerable in Leeds.

Simon Grybas, owner of MyThai, said the restaurant has been extremely quiet since coronavirus hit the UK.

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MyThai has launched a free meals and delivery service for the elderly and vulnerable in LeedsMyThai has launched a free meals and delivery service for the elderly and vulnerable in Leeds
MyThai has launched a free meals and delivery service for the elderly and vulnerable in Leeds | ugc

With over-70s likely to be told to stay at home in the coming weeks, Simon has launched the free meals initiative to help those most in need.

The 37-year-old said: "I just got fed up with all the statistics, there's so many older people needing help and I thought - we need to do something about it.

"If people can come down and help, they can peel some potatoes or donate some bags of fruit and vegetables, or whatever they can. I'll be peeling vegetables too!

"Hopefully older people will get the message through and we can spread to word that we are here to help."

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Neil's Greengrocers in Kirkgate Market are providing vegetables for the soups and stewsNeil's Greengrocers in Kirkgate Market are providing vegetables for the soups and stews
Neil's Greengrocers in Kirkgate Market are providing vegetables for the soups and stews | ugc

MyThai, like many restaurants in Leeds, has seen its profits dive in the last couple of weeks.

But Simon isn't disheartened and wants to rally the people of Leeds to help. He said many of Leeds' Lithuanian community including the Vetrunge Dance Group have pledged their time.

Simon added: "You just have to keep going. We might as well help out where we can.

"We're not making any money out of this and we'd encourage other businesses and restaurants to get involved if they can.

"If you know someone who is alone, isolated or may need help please call 0113 244 6818 between 11am and 4pm Monday to Friday."

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