Howard Wilkinson - Fans memories of a Leeds United manager who dared to be different

Howard Wilkinson. PIC: Varley Picture AgencyHoward Wilkinson. PIC: Varley Picture Agency
Howard Wilkinson. PIC: Varley Picture Agency
He was the Leeds United manager who dared to be different, a pioneer for the age.

What Howard Wilkinson achieved with Leeds United during the 1991-92 season was pioneering for the age.

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23 memories from Leeds United's 1991-92 First Division title winning season

He still remains the last Englishman to win a top-flight trophy, a fact perhaps under-appreciated in today's global Premier League era. Wilko was appointed in October 1988 and was in charge for 400 games - with a win rate of 43.25 per cent - during an eight year stint which also saw the club win promotion from the Second Division in 1989/90.

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Howard Wilkinson takes training. PIC: Varley Picture AgencyHoward Wilkinson takes training. PIC: Varley Picture Agency
Howard Wilkinson takes training. PIC: Varley Picture Agency

Wilkinson's philosophy of marginal gains was ahead of its time. His visionary approach led to a change in the squad's diet, the introduction of performance analysis and using resting heart rates to devise suitable training schedules.

Your YEP has been asking the Elland Road faithful to share memories of Sgt Wilko time as boss. Here is what they had to say:

Billy Kane - He gave us back our standing in the football world. We always had pride, but we gained respect again.

Jeff Craven - The club was in a sorry state staring relegation to Division 3 in the face. Howard Wilkinson turned the club around winning two league titles in three years, amazing achievement.

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Barry Conolly - My best times going to Elland Road. Still had terracing and Elland Road was a fortress in those days.

Jim Spurr - The Bielsa of the 90's for us.

Michael Spencer - Howard Wilkinson. Top Man. Say no more.

Knut Erik Dahlmo - Second only to Revie's era. Did a great job for us with promotion and winning the First Divison title.

Billy Hick - Great leadership great signings and a pleasure to watch Leeds United under Sgt Wilko. Up there next to the Don.

Dave Todd - Great tactical brain. Knew which players to buy and how to use them. Got the players to believe in themselves and each other. Togetherness won the title. Up there with The Don.

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Thomas Sheppard - Last English manager to win the league. Upset the big boys by reviving a dying club.

Bernard Mckenna - He put the pride and spirit back into Leeds that we were missing.


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