How drinking in Wetherspoons will change when sites in Leeds reopen

Drinking | jpimedia
Rule changes in Wetherspoons have been set out - in a series of measures designed to protect the public.

Pubs will use one door for entry and a separate door for exit wherever possible, it was announced.

Customers will be encouraged to use the chain's mobile order and pay app where possible or pay using a card.

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However, it has been confirmed that cash will still be accepted.

Staff will hand drinks over to customers using the base of the glass - or where ordered by app, drinks will arrive at tables by tray.

Food will be delivered by a member of floor staff as usual.

The menu is set to be reduced and condiment sachets will be provided, rather than larger bottles.

Two full time staff per pub who will regularly clean surfaces and touch points.

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There will also be perspex screens at tills and perspex screens at seating areas where 'it is not possible to separate the tables to the social distancing requirement'.

Wetherspoons will provide staff with gloves, masks and protective eyewear.

Employees can elect whether to wear them or not, subject to government guidelines.

There will be an average ten hand sanitiser dispensers around the pub, including at the entrance for customers and staff to use.

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A statement from the pub chain added: "Every employee will need to complete and sign a daily health assessment questionnaire to confirm that they are fit to work. This will include having their temperature taken using a digital thermometer.

"Dedicated staff will monitor the pub at all times in order to maintain social distancing standards and there will be a member of staff on the door at peak times.

"The pubs will use one entrance with a separate exit door where possible.

"Customer entry and exit will be marked out by floor stickers and/or barriers and there will be clear printed information providing guidance to customers as they enter the pubs.

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"Each pub will have a member of staff working full time (two or more staff per pub to cover all opening hours) to sanitise all the contact points during opening hours.

"These will include door handles, allergen information screens, card payment machines and hand rails.

"Customers will be asked to use the Wetherspoon order and pay app, wherever possible, or pay at the bar using a credit/debit card and contactless, although cash will be accepted.

"Staff will hand over all drinks holding the base of the glass and when ordered by the app they will be delivered to the table on a tray and placed on the table using the base of the glass.

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"Food will be delivered to the table by a member of floor staff.

"The pubs will also offer a slightly reduced menu and will provide sachets (ketchup, mayonnaise, salt pepper etc), rather than their usual condiment bottles.

"They will be open their usual opening hours, which on average is 8am to midnight (Sunday to Thursday) and 8am to 1am (Friday and Saturday).

"All staff will receive a full briefing and training on the new way of running the pubs."

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Wetherspoon chief executive John Hutson said: “At present the government have not confirmed any reopening date for pubs.

“However, it is important that we are prepared for any announcement.

“We have spent a number of weeks consulting with staff who work in our pubs, as well as area managers in order to draw up our plans.

“We have received more than 2,500 suggestions from our staff.

“The safety of our staff and customers is paramount.”

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