How monitoring software helps parents fight cyberbullying

Cyberbullying leaves students feeling trapped and cornered and can take a huge toll on their mental health.Cyberbullying leaves students feeling trapped and cornered and can take a huge toll on their mental health.
Cyberbullying leaves students feeling trapped and cornered and can take a huge toll on their mental health. | Other 3rd Party
What role does parental monitoring software play in the fight against cyberbullying?

With cyberbullying on the rise all across the UK, Yorkshire parents now have to become more tech-savvy to protect their offspring from the dangers of the online world.

A Teaching and Learning International survey revealed that England has risen to the top as the country with the highest rates of cyberbullying among students. In the UK, 2,376 teachers of children aged 11-14, as well as 157 heads, have taken part in the survey. The results? Almost 14 per cent of them reported that their students had been the victims of malicious comments online. And that’s only the cases they knew about.

What’s worse is that a lot of people don’t realise the effect cyberbullying has on its victims. Since cyberbullying is an around-the-clock threat, it leaves students feeling trapped and cornered, unable to escape even when they are at home. Moreover, online bullying takes a huge toll on their mental health, resulting in low self-esteem, social anxiety, depression, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts.

Monitoring software has become essential for many parents all over the world.Monitoring software has become essential for many parents all over the world.
Monitoring software has become essential for many parents all over the world. | Other 3rd Party

Unfortunately, a lot of tormented children don’t seek out help from their parents, school management or special hotlines out of fear of being misunderstood and because of the lack of trust in the adults.

How to Make Sure Your Child Doesn’t Fall Victim to Cyberbullying

While cyberbullying prevention organizations are trying their best to bring awareness about the problem and find effective ways of fighting it, more and more parents are taking matters into their own hands.

Monitoring software has become essential for many parents all over the world. It is a great way to keep an eye on your child’s online activity and deal with online bullies before they had any negative impact on the child’s mind.

mSpy lets you block any potentially dangerous or inappropriate website and contacts remotely.mSpy lets you block any potentially dangerous or inappropriate website and contacts remotely.
mSpy lets you block any potentially dangerous or inappropriate website and contacts remotely. | Other 3rd Party

“A lot of parents decide to install the software after they heard some horrifying stories about cyberbullying on the news,’’ said Mark Collins, a Support Representative at mSpy. “They get scared that their child could be the next victim, especially if the events took place somewhere nearby. So, naturally, they want to protect them.

“Sometimes parents notice strange changes in the child’s behaviour and know that something is happening, but the child doesn’t want to communicate and say what’s wrong. So they try to figure out the reason by looking through the child’s text messages, online posts, or search history.’’

mSpy has been around since 2011 and has helped hundreds of people all over the world to keep their loved ones safe. The software records activity on the device - from social media posts and messages to web browser history and phone calls - and securely stores the information in a control panel that only you have access to. The app is subscription-based, and monitoring plans start from £23.37 per month.

The obvious question that follows - is this type of software legal? The answer is yes, it is. It is legal to use mSpy if the person using the device is aware that it’s being monitored, or if you monitor the device of your child, who is a minor. Stop Bullying, an official website of the United States government, has approved mSpy and the program meets all PCI data security requirements.

mSpy is easy to set up and allows parents to view all sent, received or deleted SMS, calls, GPS location and routes, Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Viber, Skype, and web browsing history. It also lets you block any potentially dangerous or inappropriate website and contacts remotely. The app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

Can Parental Controls Help to Stand Against Cyberbullying?

While parental controls can’t be the ultimate way of conquering online bullying, it is a great prevention tool. Monitoring software has proved itself to be an effective and affordable solution, and the number of parents using it is growing each year.

“Children these days get access to the Internet and social media at a much younger age, which raises the demand for parental controls,’’ Collins said.

Parents are also becoming more educated about the possible online dangers as they are highlighted in the media more often. There are a lot of studies that predict the parental controls market to grow even bigger in the coming years.”

According to the Future Marketing Insights, the parental control software market is expected to grow by almost 10 per cent in the next decade. That leads us to believe that parental controls will become a more common and accepted parenting method.

Will this tendency have a positive effect on the cyberbullying rates? The future will show. But right now - better safe than sorry, right?

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