Fitness and protein powders: Top advice from exercise and nutrition expert for Leeds gym-goers

Leeds has plenty of great gyms for lifting weights and keeping in shape, but how many fitness-lovers understand protein powders and supplements?This is paid for content, readers are encouraged to seek NHS advice before taking any supplements.

But how do people in the city feel when it comes to taking protein powders?

Recent research by a top British sports nutrition brand found people were confused about how protein powders worked and how to use them.

Over a quarter (26%) of people surveyed in Leeds thought taking protein powders alone would automatically help them become stronger, according to the research SCI-MX

“There are many myths around protein powders automatically making people bulk up, and this is inaccurate,” explained SCI-MX's exercise and nutrition expert, Matt Durkin.

“Bulking may mean different things to different people, but it is the muscle-gaining phase. Eating more calories than your normal diet with an increase in protein does play a key part in bulking; however, eating excessive calories daily can lead to unhealthy weight gain; there is a balance.”

Matt Durkin

Among those surveyed, over half 53% of people quizzed in Leeds said bulking meant taking on board excessive calories, not just protein, and more than a quarter were not sure. 

But Matt explained that people needed to use the additional calories to build muscle, whilst performing regular strength training to stimulate muscle growth.

According to the survey results, one in six people in the city thought protein powder wasn’t safe and wasn’t suitable for women interested in increasing their strength.

Matt says there are many misunderstandings about the gym, fitness, bulking and protein.


“It’s worrying to see there are so many misconceptions when it comes to protein powders and supplements. It can be very confusing to understand how protein supplements work and what’s best for your own goals, so doing your research is really important. For anyone that is hoping to build muscle and strength, it’s crucial to have a high-protein diet. However, unless you pair it with exercise, you’re unlikely to build muscle.”


About SCI-MX

Whether you’re a beginner to weight training and fitness, or looking to enhance your workout, visit the SCI-MX website for advice and guidance on how incorporating protein into your diet can help increase strength.

SCI-MX is one of many brands owned and operated by Supreme PLC. Supreme is Europe’s leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of fast-moving consumer goods, with leading brands in wellness, sports nutrition, and everyday household products.