Be part of video project celebrating your home on the Yorkshire coast - how to get involved

Lighting Up the CoastLighting Up the Coast
Lighting Up the Coast | other
Scarborough-based Animated Objects want you to take part in a video art project showing why you love the Yorkshire coast.

If you're living on the Yorkshire coast or in the surrounding area you can take part in Lighting up the Coast project .

You need to record a short video answering the following questions:

What do you love about the place where you live?

What do you value most in your life?

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"We're looking for voices from people across the length of the Yorkshire coast, and we'd love to hear from you," said Dawn Dyson-Threadgold and Lee Threadgold.

Simply record your message using your phone's camera and send it to us in a message on either Facebook or Instagram including the hashtag #lightingupthecoast

Terms and Conditions:

You must be 18 or over to participate in the project, as the videos submitted will be included in a public artwork. If you would like to include your family in your video that is fine, but there must be a responsible adult present in the video or it will be deleted.

By submitting your video you are giving Animated Objects Theatre Company consent to use the content as part of public artworks as described.

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Please ensure that any content is appropriate for a family audience. Any offensive content submitted will be deleted and/or reported to the relevant service provider.

Submission of videos does not guarantee that they will be included in the final piece. We will endeavour to include as many as possible, but this will depend on the volume of videos we receive; the sound quality of your content; and how different pieces work together.

Things to think about:

Try to record your video in a quiet environment. It's easy for us to block out everyday sounds when we hear them all the time, but if you're standing next to a washing machine on spin cycle, we won't be able to hear you properly…

Please be safe! Record your film in your home or garden please - not out on the streets or in the countryside. If you have a picture of your favourite spot on the Yorkshire coast and you're happy for us to use it, please include this alongside your video when you message us.

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If you'd like us to use your video images, then please make sure we can see you properly. If you'd prefer us to use only your voice, then either point the camera away from you while you speak, or add the text 'PLEASE USE MY VOICE ONLY' in your messae

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to receive updates for when we will be releasing the completed artwork to the public, and for future events when the current situation allows.