Biting thug restrained at Leeds Railway Station warned: 'It's absolutely your last chance'

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A thug who tried to bite a police officer after they tried to detain him at Leeds Railway Station has been told he is on a final warning and will be jailed if he puts another foot wrong.

Benjamin Robinson was hauled back before Leeds Crown Court for the station fracas from last summer, when he became volatile with officers following a clash with another rail passenger in the station.

The 38-year-old has a long history of violence with more than 50 convictions. Judge Mushtaq Khokhar spared him custody, but told him in no uncertain terms that he was close to being locked up. He said: “You have got an appalling criminal record. There are 53 convictions for 82 offences, the majority involving violence or the threat of violence.

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“Given your previous history, one would have thought you would comply. Instead, you became aggressive. You tried to bite him. It’s your last chance, absolutely your last chance. I’m very reluctant to give you that chance, but I will.”

Robinson was detained at Leeds Railway Station and tried to bite an officer putting him in cuffs. (pic by National World)Robinson was detained at Leeds Railway Station and tried to bite an officer putting him in cuffs. (pic by National World)
Robinson was detained at Leeds Railway Station and tried to bite an officer putting him in cuffs. (pic by National World) | National World

Having previously pleaded guilty to assault on an emergency worker, Robinson was given 24 weeks’ jail, suspended for 12 months, 100 hours of unpaid work and 15 rehabilitation days.

Judge Khokhar reserved any breaches to himself, and told probation that said should Robinson fail to comply at any level, he should be brought back before the court “straight away” and be locked up.

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Robinson, of Summerfield Drive, Bramley, became embroiled in a spat with another train traveller at around 9pm on June 14 last year after a confrontation involving luggage. Two officers on patrol were alerted by a member of Network Rail.

They arrested Robinson for a public order offence and tried to lead him away. But he became resistant and two more officers became involved, prosecutor John Hobley told the court during a previous hearing. They took him to the floor then tried to pull his arms around his back to handcuff him.

But as they did, an officer felt Robinson’s teeth and saliva on his hands so quickly pulled away. He was PAVA sprayed before being put into the police van. However, he suffered a seizure and was taken to Leeds General Infirmary, but refused treatment, so was taken to the police station. Robinson gave a largely no-comment interview, but denied that the officer’s hand was near his mouth.