Broadlea Street Bramley incident: 'Scared' resident woken by sound of armed police breaking into Leeds home

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Residents have described their shock after armed police raided a house on a Leeds street.

Neighbours in Broadlea Street, Bramley, said two women were arrested when armed police broke into the home on Monday afternoon. The road was cordoned off and a police helicopter was also spotted overhead.

One neighbour said she was in bed when she heard armed police shouting: “Come out with your hands in the air!” She said: “It was all quiet this morning and the next thing you know there was police. It was quite scary to be honest. I’ve never seen police with guns before.”

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Another neighbour said that the operation was “professionally done” and police had reopened the road within an hour. Witnesses also said that a car on the driveway of the house had been towed away.

West Yorkshire Police were approached for comment but were not able to provide any details at this stage.