Leeds city centre: CCTV image issued of man wanted over sexual assault of woman in alleyway near Burger King

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Police have issued an image of a man wanted for sexually assaulting a woman in an alleyway in Leeds city centre.

The incident happened on Friday (May 31) at around 4am on Boar Lane in Leeds and West Yorkshire Police are appealing for information.

A spokesperson said: “A woman in her 30s was approached by the male suspect and lead her to an alleyway between Burger King and Trinity Leeds. He then sexually assaulted her.

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Police have issued a picture of this man following a reported sexual assault in Leeds city centre. Photo: West Yorkshire PolicePolice have issued a picture of this man following a reported sexual assault in Leeds city centre. Photo: West Yorkshire Police
Police have issued a picture of this man following a reported sexual assault in Leeds city centre. Photo: West Yorkshire Police | WP

“She then made her way to the train station where he attempted to assault her again but she fled to safety.

“Police are releasing an image of the alleged suspect. He is described as an Asian male, 6ft, dark coloured hair, dark stubble beard with grey patches and stocky build. He was wearing a dark navy coloured puffa coat and dark coloured trousers.”

Anyone who recognises this man or has any information is urged to contact police on 101 quoting crime reference number 13240291996. Information can also be passed to independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.