House fire victim started cannabis farm in one-bed Leeds flat

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A man who suffered second degree burns in a house fire went on to start  a cannabis farm in his one-bedroom flat in Leeds because he used  the drug for pain relief, a court heard.

Police found 16 mature cannabis plants with a potential value of £16,800 in Anthony Philp's flat in Lea Farm Grove, Kirkstall, Leeds Crown Court heard.

Gareth Henderson, prosecuting, said police discovered the plants in the bedroom at the flat on August 29 2018 during a search in connection with an unrelated matter.

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Mr Henderson said digital scales were also found along with cannabis waste products of stalks and leaf material, which indicated there had been a previous harvest.

A cannabis plant
Photo: Leon Neal/AFP/GettyImagesA cannabis plant
Photo: Leon Neal/AFP/GettyImages
A cannabis plant Photo: Leon Neal/AFP/GettyImages | other

Mr Henderson said Philp, a Zimbabwean national, told police in interview that it was his first cannabis grow, adding: "He didn't expect it to be so successful. He said he had grown it for his own use."

Philp, 37, who has no previous convictions admitted producing cannabis."

A Probation Service spokeswoman said: "He was involved in a house fire last year and he got second degree burns to his body and he started using it (cannabis) himself to ease the pain."

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"He said he started to grow it for his own use, but it got out of hand. He still uses a little to help him sleep. He tells me he has got a bit of depression.

"He has family support. He is not working at the present time. He lost his employment but hopes to regain it after lockdown. He is a van driver."

Judge Christopher Batty handed Philp an eight month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months, plus 200 hours of unpaid work.

Judge Batty told him: "I'm unimpressed by your suggestion that this was entirely for your own use and I don't sentence you on that basis.

"This was a sophisticated set up. It is interesting that you suffered in a house fire and then created something as hazardous as this operation, or potentially hazardous."