Jail for Leeds man who threw poo-filled litter at police then refused to attend court because of a cold sore

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A man who threw litter trays full of excrement at police officers and then refused to turn up at court because he had a cold sore has been jailed.

Callan Oke also twice refused to remove his hat, which is regarded as a show of respect to the presiding judge, when he finally turned up at Leeds Crown Court.

He was jailed for 16 weeks this morning after he was found guilty during a trial, to which he failed to attend, of two counts of assaults on emergency workers.

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The court heard that armed officers had gone to his home on Nepshaw Lane in Morley in July 2021 for an unrelated matter, but he refused them entry despite repeated requests. They then forced the front door open and saw Oke at the top of the stairs.

Oke was jailed after throwing dirty animal litter over officers, and then refusing to come to court.Oke was jailed after throwing dirty animal litter over officers, and then refusing to come to court.
Oke was jailed after throwing dirty animal litter over officers, and then refusing to come to court.

He kicked two litter trays full of animal waste down the stairs, showering the two officers as they entered. He then barricaded himself upstairs. After a “considerable amount of time” he relented and gave himself up but refused to co-operate during a police interview.

Despite the officers’ body-worn footage being used as evidence, the 29-year-old continued to deny the offences but also provided no defence statement. With the case due for trial, he then sacked his defence counsel and was given time to find a new barrister.

He then failed to attend the next hearing on time, gave no explanation and insisted on wearing his hat in the dock without giving a reason. His trial was listed for April 13 of this year and failed to attend, later citing medical reasons – that he had a cold sore – but provided no medical certificate to excuse him.

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The trial proceeded in his absence and he was found guilty. A warrant was issue for his arrest and he finally gave himself up a week later, again refusing to remove his hat in the dock. He said that he was “unable to deal with the case because of his cold sore”.

He was given four weeks’ jail for failing to surrender to custody, and appeared in custody this morning to be sentenced on the assault offences.

Judge Neil Clark told him: “You continued to deny the offences for what occurred, expressing bizarre views.”

He said that Oke was unemployed and conceded that he suffered from mental health problems, but said there was no engagement with treatment to help tackle the issue.

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Judge Clark said Oke’s behaviour was “symptomatic of his attitude” towards the proceedings.

He added: “There’s a complete lack of remorse and you are not somebody who will comply with any court order, given the history of the case. It’s not appropriate to suspend the sentence which can only be achieved by immediate custody.

"It’s clear you have no respect for authority. I think this is a serious matter. The police officers were acting in their public duty.” He jailed him for 16 weeks for each assault, to run side-by-side. He was told he would be released at the halfway stage and serve the remainder on licence.