Large Burley house party shut down after noise complaints from neighbours

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A large house party in Leeds was shut down after noise complaints from neighbours.

Leeds City Council officers went to the party on Kings Road in Burley on Friday, March 11.

They dispersed the guests at the gathering due to the noise.

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It comes after it was announced that overnight patrols have been launched in Headingley, Hyde Park, Little Woodhouse and Burley to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Photo: The Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team - West LCCPhoto: The Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team - West LCC
Photo: The Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team - West LCC

The Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team - West LCC said: "Overnight our dedicated service attended a property on Kings Road LS6 and dispersed a large party causing significant noise, nuisance and anti-social behaviour to residents in the community.

"Further action has been taken against the tenants with an abatement notice and closure warning.

"The Dedicated Service offer a quick response to community issues in Inner NW Leeds & Burley.

"In this case within, 10 minutes of the call being logged."

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Leeds City Council announced in February that overnight officers will now be carrying out patrols to identify and stop potential issues from escalating while also providing capacity to respond to more calls.

The dedicated service is a national first, with Leeds Beckett University and University of Leeds funding the overnight patrols, which operate seven days a week.

The partnership will provide additional call-handling capacity at weekends and during peak times throughout the year, including Freshers’ week and end of assessments.

Councillor James Lewis, Leader of Leeds City Council, said: “While universities make an incredibly positive contribution to Leeds’ culture and economy, we also recognise that some issues can arise in all communities with a student population.

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“While these issues are not unique to Leeds, our response is. The dedicated service is a national first, building on years of partnership and listening to communities.”

Professor Peter Slee, Vice Chancellor of Leeds Beckett University, said: “Building and maintaining positive relations in the city is a priority for Leeds’ seven universities.

"We work with student unions, landlords, police and the council to support our students to live in diverse and vibrant residential communities.

“Leeds’ 70,000 students contribute significantly to the city’s economy and the majority play a positive role in their communities. This service recognises community concerns over the minority that behave inappropriately, and strengthens the partnership’s ability to respond to and deal with that behaviour.”

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