Leeds Crown Court: Pervert still ‘shows no remorse’ over historic sexual abuse against two young girls

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A Leeds pervert who still “shows no remorse” has been sentenced for horrific child sex offences he carried out as a teenager.

Eugene McCarthy, now 59, was aged 14-15 when he abused two young girls in the 1970s and 1980s. At his sentencing hearing today (Friday March 22), Leeds Crown Court heard McCarthy’s serious abuse took various forms, including oral penetration, and had a “devastating” impact on the victims’ lives as children and adults. 

When the victims reported the historic abuse to the police, McCarthy, of Glen Road, Morley, denied the offences. He was unanimously convicted of three counts of indecent assault and three counts of indecency with a child following a trial earlier this year. 

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Little mitigation was offered for McCarthy after the judge, Recorder Anthony Hawks, made clear he was not passing an immediate custodial sentence. 

Eugene McCarthy, now 59, has been sentenced at Leeds Crown Court for sexually abusing two young girls when he was a teenager (Stock image by Adobe Stock/National World)Eugene McCarthy, now 59, has been sentenced at Leeds Crown Court for sexually abusing two young girls when he was a teenager (Stock image by Adobe Stock/National World)
Eugene McCarthy, now 59, has been sentenced at Leeds Crown Court for sexually abusing two young girls when he was a teenager (Stock image by Adobe Stock/National World) | Adobe Stock/National World

Recorder Hawks said the law required him to put himself in the position of a court more than 40 years ago, and pass the sentence that would have been handed to McCarthy had he been caught as a teenager. 

Sentencing McCarthy to nine months in custody, suspended for two years, Recorder Hawks said the abuse had “blighted the victims’ lives” as children.

He added: “The abuse has continued to have a devastating effect on their adult lives. When you were confronted with these allegations you denied the offences and stood trial.

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“I note that you still deny committing these offences. In sentencing you I can't give you any credit for saving those women from the ordeal of the trial process, or credit for you exhibiting any remorse.

“Notwithstanding the effect these offences have undoubtedly had on these unfortunate women, no public interest will be served today in me passing a sentence of immediate custody for you, which will be merely for a matter of months”.

As well as his suspended sentence, McCarthy was placed on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years. He also has to complete 40 rehabilitation activity requirement days. 

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