Leeds cyclist death: Heartbroken family of 'extraordinary' man killed while cycling pay tribute as driver is jailed

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The heartbroken family of a cyclist that died after being hit by a car in Leeds has paid tribute to “an extraordinary man”.

The family of Adrian Hornby, who sadly passed away after being involved in a road traffic collision on Harewood Avenue, Leeds, have issued a tribute after the driver, Aaron Salloway, was jailed for causing death by careless driving.

Mr Hornby, 57, suffered a serious head injury following the road traffic collision in May 2020, on Harewood Avenue, at the junction of Moor Lane.

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In a statement, Adrian’s family said: “Adrian was an extraordinary man, blessed with a formidable intelligence, who spread his warmth, kindness and generosity to everyone he met. We never expected to lose him, and that loss is totally heart-breaking.

Ardian Hornby's family said that he was an 'extraordinary' man who was ' blessed with a formidable intelligence'. Photo: Family handoutArdian Hornby's family said that he was an 'extraordinary' man who was ' blessed with a formidable intelligence'. Photo: Family handout
Ardian Hornby's family said that he was an 'extraordinary' man who was ' blessed with a formidable intelligence'. Photo: Family handout

“Aaron Salloway will have a very brief blip in his life as a consequence of his choices, his follies, but we pay the price. The consequences for Adrian, myself as his wife, and our twin sons Rory and Alex, have been catastrophic. Adrian can no longer put his arms around me, say everything will be fine, and make everything right as he always used to do.

“We miss him today, we will miss him tomorrow and we will miss him for every tomorrow that follows.”

The driver, Aaron Salloway, 31, of Farm Hill, Leeds was jailed on Tuesday, December 6, at Leeds Crown Court, receiving a two-year sentence. He was also disqualified from driving for 35 months and will need to take an extended driving test following the disqualification.

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Investigating Officer DC Lindsey Pickles of the Major Collision Enquiry Team said: “This was a tragic case in which someone has unnecessarily lost their life. Adrian Hornby will be missed by many, including his wife, sons, wider family, and friends.

“I would urge motorists to be aware of other road users and concentrate on their driving at all times. Distractions whilst driving such as the use of a mobile phone, not only puts drivers themselves at risk but also the lives of others. Cyclists and pedestrians are vulnerable road users and motorists should allow extra time to ensure there is enough space to pass and prevent avoidable tragedies like this.”