Naked Leeds pervert locked woman inside his home to sexually assault her

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A depraved pervert stripped naked and locked a woman inside his home before trying to force himself on her.

The woman became so terrified that she was forced to smash a window with a frying pan and climb through, badly cutting herself, to get away from deviant Sukhvinder Ralah.

He was jailed for three years at Leeds Crown Court this week after he admitted sexual assault and GBH without intent, but only on the day his trial was due to begin.

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A victim impact statement was read out by prosecutor Danielle Gilmour on behalf of the victim, who cannot be named, but was in court to see Ralah be sentenced. She said the woman continues to suffer emotionally, does not feel safe, feels isolated, struggles to sleep and suffers nightmares when she does.

The court was told that 51-year-old civil servant Ralah had invited the woman to his home on Oakwood Lane, Rounday, for a drink on the evening of March 1 last year.

But when she arrived, Ralah had removed all of his clothing and made advances towards her, trying to kiss her and touching her breasts and bottom.

She tried to escape but found all the windows and doors locked, so grabbed the pan and smashed a small patio window. His neighbours, who came out because of the commotion, helped the woman climb through, but she cut her leg which later needed 11 stitches.

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Pervert Ralah was jailed for his disturbing behaviour at his Roundhay home. (pic by WYP)Pervert Ralah was jailed for his disturbing behaviour at his Roundhay home. (pic by WYP)
Pervert Ralah was jailed for his disturbing behaviour at his Roundhay home. (pic by WYP) | WYP

Ralah was arrested but was obstructive with officers when they transported him to the station. During his interview he admitted he and the woman were drinking but said he told her leave. He denied being naked, despite officers spotting him wearing nothing when they arrived.

Mitigating for Ralah, Craig Sutcliffe said: "He does not have a perfect recollection of the events but is remorseful for his conduct."

He said Ralah had lost his partner six months before in a road traffic accident in London, and that his binge drinking was "getting worse".

Judge Tahir Khan KC told Ralah: "It's abundantly clear to me that your behaviour towards her has had a significant adverse impact upon her. I'm satisfied that only an immediate sentence of custody is appropriate."

As well as the jail sentence, he was given an indefinite-length restraining order to keep him away from the victim.

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