Paedophile pretended his mother was dead to avoid sex offender register sanctions, Leeds court hears

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A twisted paedophile pretended that his mother had died after be breached the terms of the sex offender register.

Pervert Allan Williams was put on the list last year when he was caught with child abuse images.

But he was brought before Leeds Crown Court this week after he failed to register a change of his address at the police station in Normanton, Wakefield.

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Williams failed to register his situation at the police station in Normanton and then lied to avoid breaching the terms of the sex offender register. (pics by Google Maps / National World)Williams failed to register his situation at the police station in Normanton and then lied to avoid breaching the terms of the sex offender register. (pics by Google Maps / National World)
Williams failed to register his situation at the police station in Normanton and then lied to avoid breaching the terms of the sex offender register. (pics by Google Maps / National World) | Google Maps / National World

The court heard that due to his conviction, the 49-year-old was made homeless, so told officers at the station on December 27 that he was of no fixed abode.

Under the terms, he must visit the station every seven days to update them of his circumstances. But he then failed to attend for several months.

When police finally caught up with him, he told them it had “gone out of his head”. He told them that he was working to pay for hotels and said that the station was often closed. He also lied to probation that his mother had passed away, among other untruths about his situation pertaining to his address and employment.

Williams, currently of Castle Terrace, Rastrick, Brighouse, was given a 10-month jail sentence, suspended for two years, at Bradford Crown Court in September last year. He was convicted of three counts of making indecent images, one of distributing an indecent image and possessing extreme pornographic images.

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He was given 100 hours of unpaid work and 40 rehabilitation days with probation, put on the sex offender register for 10 years and given a 10-year sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) to limit his internet use.

This week the court heard that he had not completed any of the unpaid work he had been given.

He admitted breach of the sex offender register and failing to attend unpaid work.

Mitigating, Leila Taleb, said: “He does not seek to minimise his behaviour. He accepts it was stupid.

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“He lost his home and his family disowned him. He then lost his job. He was working every hour that he could through agencies. He is currently working ad-hoc and working every hour God sends to fund the hotels he has been staying in.”

But Judge Andrew Stubbs KC said that Williams had “done his best to mislead and prevaricate”.

He told the court: “He knows his responsibilities, then evaded them, then lied in a really disturbing way.”

Turning to Williams, Judge Stubbs said: “There’s no point giving you another chance of you breach it like this one. I’m spectacularly unimpressed by what you have done.

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“Probation has bent over backwards to give you chances. You have lied about having a job and lied a out where you live.”

He decided to defer sentencing for six months, and warned Williams: “Do not miss a single appointment with the probation service. If there are any further breaches or any missed appointments, you know you will be brought back to court and will go to prison.

“We will see if I was right or wrong to give you that chance. You have come really close to going to prison.”

Williams will appear again at Leeds Crown Court in November.

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