Barnsley Road, Hemsworth: Police launch manhunt after assault with shovel

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Police in Wakefield have released an image of a man they wish to speak to regarding an assault and damage to a vehicle.

The incident occurred on Barnsley Road, Hemsworth on Wednesday, March 20 shortly after 1pm.

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Do you recognise this man? | WYP

It was reported the victim, a man in his thirties, was assaulted with a shovel causing minor injuries and significant damage was caused to the windscreen of his vehicle, a van.

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Officers are appealing for anyone who may recognise the man pictured below or anyone with information regarding the incident to contact Wakefield District Police via: or by calling 101, quoting reference 13240152615.

Information can also be given anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

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