Police covid-19 CCTV appeal after man filmed himself throwing used tissue at Yorkshire doctor's face

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Police have launched an urgent CCTV appeal in Yorkshire after a man allegedly filmed himself throwing a used tissue at a doctor's face.

Officers in Sheffield have released CCTV images of a man they’d like to speak to following two Covid-related incidents in the city centre – including one where an offender is believed to have filmed himself as he threw used tissues in a doctor’s face while she was out for a run.

On Monday April 6 at around 7.45pm, the victim, a woman in her 20s, was running down Division Street when it is reported a man who was unknown to her threw used tissues in her face.

It is thought he filmed the incident on his mobile phone.

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Police would like to speak to the man picturedPolice would like to speak to the man pictured
Police would like to speak to the man pictured | other

PC Libby Bettney, investigating, said: “In the current climate, when we’re all trying to keep ourselves and each other safe, this incident was very distressing to the victim. Incidentally, the woman who was targeted is a key worker, a doctor, which makes the attack even more disgusting.”

Officers would also like to speak to the man pictured in connection with a second incident on the Wicker in Sheffield on 20 April, in which an unknown offender coughed in a man’s face.

It is thought the man pictured could have information about both incidents.

If you recognise him, please contact South Yorkshire Police on 101 quoting crime reference number 14/59182/20.

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