Sick Wakefield stalker stamped cat to death and left it at woman's home like scene from Fatal Attraction

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A sick stalker who stamped a woman’s pet cat to death and left it in a box at her home was told by a judge that his actions were like something from “Fatal Attraction or such horror films”.

Twisted Zdenek Jevicky changed jobs to work with the woman, took up smoking to join her on breaks, dyed his hair to get her attention and even broke into her home and watched her sleep.

But when she continually rebuffed his advances, he began making threats, culminating in him slaughtering her pet in cold blood. He even left a note in the box that simply read “whore”.

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Jevicky stalked the woman for nine months before killing her cat and returning it to her in a box. (pics by WYP / National World)Jevicky stalked the woman for nine months before killing her cat and returning it to her in a box. (pics by WYP / National World)
Jevicky stalked the woman for nine months before killing her cat and returning it to her in a box. (pics by WYP / National World) | WYP / National World

The 27-year-old admitted a charge of stalking with causing serious alarm or distress and was jailed for three years at Leeds Crown Court.

Judge Simon Batiste said the case resembled the 1987 movie, Fatal Attraction, in which a scorned woman kills her lover’s pet rabbit.

Judge Batiste told Jevicky: “She appeared to have no romantic interest in you. You developed an infatuation with her. Your behaviour is quite frankly, frightening and akin to what you would find in a horror movie.

“You were clearly obsessed by her. You started to make threats about her ex partner and to kill her cat, which you carried out. This is a terribly worrying case.”

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Jevicky, who appeared in court via video link from HMP Leeds where he was being held on remand, shook his head as the details of the case were outlined.

Prosecutor Michael Smith said Jevicky, who has no previous convictions, met the woman in May last year at work, and stalked her over the next nine months. Having initially “exchanged a few words” with her, he then began messaging her on Facebook and asked to meet her, which she declined.

He then started smoking and joined her outside at work during breaks. When she eventually agreed to meet him, he gave her a box of gifts, including whisky, a necklace and perfume.

Then in September, the victim was at home early evening and she woke to find him stood over her. He claimed he was concerned because she had not responded to his messages.

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On another occasion she came home to find him stood in her garden. He also got a job at her new place of work and said he would ask to work the same shift patterns. Mr Smith said the victim became “incredibly fearful”.

During November and December he sent her more than 20 messages, making threats that “something bad would happen to her and something might happen to her cat”. Chillingly, he also said he would bring her ex boyfriend to her “in a plastic bag”.

He was later caught on CCTV approaching her pet cat, picking it up and walking away. It was later dropped off in the cardboard box. It was found its death was consistent with being stamped on or struck with a weapon.

Jevicky, of Hardy Croft, Wakefield, was finally arrested and told police: “A girl I put £6,000 into and she screwed me over.”

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Mitigating, Bradley Mather said: “He has no experience talking to women. His behaviour spiralled out of control in an extreme sense.”

He said that Jevicky had a traumatic upbringing having been removed from his mother’s care and lived with his grandparents.

Along with his jail sentence, he was given a lifelong restraining order to keep him away from his victim.

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