Speeding drivers get a frown from 'SID' after police set up cameras on this Leeds street

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Police have reported several speeding drivers after setting up mobile cameras on a street in south Leeds.

Officers from the Leeds South Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) carried out speed checks on Haigh Moor Road, Tingley, on Sunday.

They used a Speed Indicator Device (SID) to measure the speed of approaching vehicles.

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The device displays the measured speed with a smiley or frowning face to inform the motorist of their speed.

An officer from Leeds South NPT with the speed awareness device (Photo: WYP)An officer from Leeds South NPT with the speed awareness device (Photo: WYP)
An officer from Leeds South NPT with the speed awareness device (Photo: WYP)

Police said the majority of vehicles checked were adhering to the 20mph speed limit.

However, several drivers got a frown from the SID and have been reported for speeding.

In a statement issued on Facebook, the Leeds South NPT said: "Today officers were on Haigh Moor Road in Tingley carrying out speed checks using 'SID'.

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"Whilst we received a majority of smiley faces from SID those who received a frown have been noted and will be notified with a letter through the post.

"SID is an excellent awareness raising tool and is particularly effective at targeting drivers whose speed has crept up due to lack of attention or awareness of their surroundings.

"Allowing drivers to see their current speed enables them to correct it or reduce it to a more acceptable level."

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