'Stupid' weed smoker broke into Wakefield property after police raid in the hope of finding leftover drugs

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A “stupid” cannabis smoker broke into a house that had been boarded up following a police raid, hoping he was going to find leftover drugs.

The property on Huntwick Crescent in Featherstone was targeted by police on February 21, who forced entry and found more than 100 plants growing inside. The house was then boarded up after police had cleared the property, Leeds Crown Court heard.

But having heard about the raid, Liam Holden then attended the property in broad daylight two days later. The landlord was contacted at around 12.40pm and was told that a man was holding a crowbar and could be seen kicking the wooden board across the door. The landlord arrived at the house a few minutes later and found the backdoor open and the defendant stood inside.

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The house on Huntwick Crescent was raided in January and a large cannabis farm was found, but Liam Holden then broke into the property two days later in the hope of finding some leftover drugs. (library pics by Google Maps / National World)The house on Huntwick Crescent was raided in January and a large cannabis farm was found, but Liam Holden then broke into the property two days later in the hope of finding some leftover drugs. (library pics by Google Maps / National World)
The house on Huntwick Crescent was raided in January and a large cannabis farm was found, but Liam Holden then broke into the property two days later in the hope of finding some leftover drugs. (library pics by Google Maps / National World) | Google Maps / National World

Holden, 28, apologised when he saw the landlord, but then dashed upstairs and tried to climb out of the bathroom window, pursued by the landlord who grabbed him and pulled him back from the window, but he then broke free and ran out of the house.

The landlord pursued him to a nearby road and tried to detain him again. Holden told him he “just wanted some skunk [cannabis] from the house”. When the police arrived, he broke free again but was pursued by an officer who quickly arrested him. He repeated what he said earlier about wanting cannabis.

During his police interview he gave no comments. He later admitted a single charge of dwelling burglary. Holden, of Priory Road, Featherstone, has nine previous convictions for 10 offences, including dwelling burglaries and going equipped for theft.

A probation report said that Holden accepted he was “stupid and foolish” and was hoping to find any cannabis left over. He has never worked and the court was told that he was spending £40 a day on the drug and also taking crack cocaine.

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Mitigating, Andrew Stranex said: “He is really beating himself up about getting into trouble again. Becoming involved in this has made him realise what he has got to lose.”

Judge Christopher Batty opted not to lock him up, instead handing him an 18-month sentence, suspended for 18 months. He was also given 150 hours of unpaid work and 20 rehabilitation days.