The Push Channel 4: Second part of documentary about Leeds woman pushed to her death in Edinburgh to air

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The second part of a documentary about the murder of a Leeds woman is set to air tonight (March 4).

Fawziyah Javed, from Pudsey, died when she was pushed from Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh by her abusive husband Kashif Anwar in 2021. The 31-year-old was pregnant at the time.

The Push, a documentary about her murder, began on Channel 4 last night. It tells the story of how the young lawyer built a log of her husband’s abuse, including taped phone conversations.

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Fawziyah Javed, 31, from Pudsey, died when she was pushed from Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh by her abusive husband Kashif Anwar in 2021. Photo: Tony Johnson.Fawziyah Javed, 31, from Pudsey, died when she was pushed from Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh by her abusive husband Kashif Anwar in 2021. Photo: Tony Johnson.
Fawziyah Javed, 31, from Pudsey, died when she was pushed from Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh by her abusive husband Kashif Anwar in 2021. Photo: Tony Johnson. | Tony Johnson

Lying fatally injured on the slope of the Scottish landmark, she used her dying words to tell police that he had pushed her.

The documentary features footage from the trial which ended with Anwar being found guilty of her murder.

A friend and colleague of Fawziyah’s, who is identified only as Ingrid, says in the programme: “She built this massive mountain of evidence, culminating with giving a statement to the police on the verge of her dying.

“And the fact she was a lawyer, with all the legal training, I do think she must have thought about leaving this evidence behind. I remember feeling that she died like a lawyer.”

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The young lawyer built a log of her husband’s abuse, including taped phone conversations.The young lawyer built a log of her husband’s abuse, including taped phone conversations.
The young lawyer built a log of her husband’s abuse, including taped phone conversations. | x

In April of last year, Anwar was sentenced to life imprisonment and was told he would serve at least 20 years before he could apply for parole.

The documentary uses CCTV images, seen by the trial, of the couple walking through Waverley station and past the Scottish Parliament on their way to Arthur’s Seat.

Now, Fawziya’s family have backed a campaign for justice for women pushed to their deaths.

They are supporting the group ‘Killed Women’, which is calling for change as it seeks to uncover and prevent “hidden homicides”.

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Ms Javed’s mother Yasmin, a member of the Killed Women network, has said: “Domestic abusers will continue to get away with murder if we don’t ensure the cases of so-called fallen women are rigorously investigated by authorities.

“We must have a system that delivers justice for these women.

“The conviction will never heal the grief of losing our beautiful Fawziyah, but we are campaigning to ensure that all those who murder women in this way are held to account.”

The second part of The Push will air tonight on Channel 4 at 9pm.