Vindictive husband jailed for falsely blaming six Leeds speeding fines on estranged wife

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A devious husband told the police that it was his former wife who had been speeding after being caught six times in a matter of months.

Simon Turner was repeatedly clocked breaking the 40mph limit on York Road, but on each occasion informed the authorities that his ex partner was responsible. It was not until she came to renew her insurance policy that she was found to have multiple penalty points on her licence.

Becoming confused, she contacted the police and it quickly came to light that 47-year-old Turner was responsible. His case was heard at Leeds Crown Court, where he admitted intending to pervert the course of justice.

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The court was told that the relationship between the pair had broken down in 2021, and she left the marital home. She began a new relationship in 2022, but Turner was prosecuted for sending malicious communications. Turner, of White House Dale, York, received a 12-month community order last year.

Turner was caught speeding six times on the A64 York Road in Leeds, but said his estranged wife was driving on each occasion.  (pics by Google Maps / National World)Turner was caught speeding six times on the A64 York Road in Leeds, but said his estranged wife was driving on each occasion.  (pics by Google Maps / National World)
Turner was caught speeding six times on the A64 York Road in Leeds, but said his estranged wife was driving on each occasion. (pics by Google Maps / National World) | Google Maps / National World

However, between July and December of 2022, his vehicle had been clocked above the limit on York Road on six times, triggered at 47, 48, and 51mph. The correspondence had been sent to the former marital home after each offence. Turner then wrote back saying his wife had been behind the wheel.

Mitigating on his behalf, Zarreen Alam-Cheetham said that Turner had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis which “had a big effect on him”. She said he was now unable to walk unaided and that it had a “catastrophic” effect on his mental health.

She added: “He recognises what he has done is wrong. He was struggling with his thinking skills and was making poor decisions.”

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Judge Simon Batiste said he accepted Turner may have been suffering but did not accept that his responsibility was reduced by it, pointing out it was six occasions he lied, not just once.

He also said that he could understand him ignoring the letters if he was suffering from mental health issues, not taking the effort to direct the blame towards his estranged wife.

He told Turner: “This strikes at the heart of the justice system. This was a significant course of conduct you have undertaken. It was part of a campaign against her. Only an immediate custodial sentence can possibly be justified.”

He jailed Turner for 16 months and banned him from driving for 20 months.

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