Snapchat Wakefield pervert sent 12-year-old 'girl' video of himself masturbating

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A paedophile who lied about his age after making contact with a 12-year-old girl sent her a video of himself masturbating.

But Jimmy Alexander had no idea that the profile he was targeting had been set up by an undercover police officer looking to trap perverts with a sexual attraction to children.

Leeds Crown Court heard that the profile had been created on social media, to which 26-year-old Alexander latched onto in September of last year. He sent a message to the profile, saying he was 19.

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Switching to Snapchat, she told him she was just 12, but referring to her age, Alexander told her: “I’m good, if you’re good.”

He persisted and asked for photo of her to prove that was real. He then began talking about masturbation and asked her if she wanted to see a video of him pleasuring himself.

Alexander latched onto the girl online. (pics by National World)Alexander latched onto the girl online. (pics by National World)
Alexander latched onto the girl online. (pics by National World) | National World

He asked her for topless photos, and told her that “she was on his mind” when he was masturbating, prosecutor Nicki Foster told the court.

He sent a photo of his penis, partially covered, then later sent her a video masturbating.

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Alexander, of Bedford Farm Court, Crofton, Wakefield, was interviewed by police in November of last year, and accepted his conduct. He has no previous convictions. He admitted attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child, and attempting to cause a child to watch sexual activity.

Mitigating, Soheil Khan said that Alexander had voluntarily enrolled on the sex offender programme, Safer Lives. However, no further mitigation was offered after Judge Christopher Batty said he would not lock him up.

He said: “I can see how distressed you are. What a serious and foolish position you have got yourself in. I could lock you up but nobody would do any focussed work to assist you and reduce the risk to the public.”

He gave him 12 months’ jail, suspended for two years, told him to enrol on another accredited sex offender programme, 55 rehabilitation days, put him on the sex offender register for 10 years and gave him a sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) to limit his internet use.

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