Meet the Leeds climate change activist whose radical idea helped power sound system of rally

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A Leeds climate change activist's radical invention helped to power the entire sound system of a rally in Millennium Square on Saturday.

Alongside friends, Lewis Hemingway, 24, has created 'Road Block'.

The device allows participants and volunteers to sit and pedal a battery generator which can then by used to power devices.

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On Saturday, the invention - which includes a moped sawn in half as a steering device and old bike seats and wheels to sit on - was used to power the entirety of the sound system at a climate change rally in Millennium Square, rather than using mains power.

Lewis Hemingway on Road Block
Pic: JPI MediaLewis Hemingway on Road Block
Pic: JPI Media
Lewis Hemingway on Road Block Pic: JPI Media

Volunteers had spent tens of hours sat on the device pedalling in order to create the energy needed to power the system.

Speaking to the YEP, Lewis, from Headingley, said he now hoped to take the device to many similar events and power more systems.

Lewis, a Zoology graduate, said: "The device has powered the whole sound system at this event.

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"We are a not for profit organisation and everything about the device is home made.

"We didn't really know what we were doing to be honest and have no experience in this area but thought we could make a device which could help.

"Our group wants to support anyone who is struggling to afford to run devices at these events and we can prove that pedal power can generate enough to enable the sound system."

The Road Block creation allows two riders to sit and pedal to generate power.

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It can be used as a bike and moved around events or can be set up as a stable place for volunteers to cycle to create energy.

Lewis told how the device had been created on a farm near Garforth in just a few weeks.

He added: "It was just me and a few friends.

"Parts of the Road Block include an old moped, steel and plywood.

"We really want to go to more events and show people that they can create energy by pedalling.

"We wanted to make a difference."

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