'There is no excuse for litter' - anger as photos show piles of rubbish in Wakefield car park

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Police in Wakefield have shared photos of hundreds of pieces of litter abandoned in the city's car parks.

The photos show piles of rubbish overflowing from bins around Westgate Retail Park, just a day after the nearby McDonald's reopened for takeaway orders.

Though many of the items were branded with fast food logos, officers praised staff at the Cathedral Retail Park store, who they said had done everything they could to remove litter from the area.

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Long queues were reported yesterday when the district's five McDonald's reopened for the first time in more than two months.

Police in Wakefield have shared photos of hundreds of pieces of litter abandoned in the city's car parks. Photos: West Yorkshire PolicePolice in Wakefield have shared photos of hundreds of pieces of litter abandoned in the city's car parks. Photos: West Yorkshire Police
Police in Wakefield have shared photos of hundreds of pieces of litter abandoned in the city's car parks. Photos: West Yorkshire Police | other

In a Facebook post, West Yorkshire Police said: "Officers from Ward 20 today patrolled the Westgate Retail Park, and were greeted with the pictured scene.

"We ask that if you are going to take the time to queue for your food, make the time to take your rubbish home with you.

"A massive thank you to the staff at McDonald's who made sure all car parks were clean and tidy before they opened today.

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"Can we also ask that when joining the queue for any fast food outlet, that you please show consideration for other road users, and not block off junctions and roundabouts."

The post has been shared almost 500 times in the last hour, with many comments reminding people to take their litter home.

It comes as Wakefield Council reports more than three times the normal amount of litter at the district's parks and beauty spots, following a week of unseasonably warm weather.

Photos taken over the weekend show large amounts of rubbish abandoned at Pontefract Park, Horbury Lagoon and Wintersett Reservoir.

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Coun Maureen Cummings, Wakefield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Communities and Poverty, said: “While it has been wonderful to see so many people enjoying our parks and country parks recently, there is absolutely no excuse for the litter that has been left behind.

“It was so heartening to see the results from last year’s #LitterPickMeUp campaign and it would be such a shame for all that hard work by our residents and volunteers to go to waste. Litter spoils everyone’s experience of parks and open spaces. Everyone should be able to visit and leave no trace by making sure they take home any litter generated.

“Even though the Council have been working hard to empty the bins as often as we can, it is everyone’s responsibility to #StoptheDrop, clean up their rubbish and take it home if needs be, so that our parks and country parks are a clean and welcoming place for everyone to enjoy.”