Have your say on urgent treatment centres in Leeds

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Residents are being encouraged to have their say on proposals to establish five urgent treatment centres in Leeds by taking part in an NHS survey.

Over 1,300 people in Leeds have already responded to a survey set up by NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and residents still have until Monday April 15 to give their views.

People can also come along to public events today 10am-12pm at the Carriageworks Theatre, 3 Millennium Square, Leeds and March 22 10am-12pm and 1.30-3.30pm at Hamara Centre, Tempest Road, Leeds.

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Register for the events online at www.nhsleedsccg.eventbrite.co.uk or call 0113 843 5470 to book a place.

Stock pic GP Doctors NHSStock pic GP Doctors NHS
Stock pic GP Doctors NHS

The proposal for the urgent treatment centres has been based on national guidance from NHS England to address concerns around support available for people who need medical help quickly but who are not facing a severe or life-threatening illness or injury.

Sue Robins, Director of Operational Delivery for NHS Leeds CCG, says: “We know that the way urgent care services are currently designed to help you are not always easy to understand or navigate. This can lead to a number of issues such as people not accessing care when they need it or people attending our busy accident and emergency departments when they could have been seen and treated elsewhere.

“Our proposal would see five urgent treatment centres established in the city. People will be able to access the centres by either walking-in or, more conveniently, pre-booking an appointment through NHS 111.

“We need to hear your views so that we can develop the best possible service that most closely meets the needs of local people.”

Have your say www.leedsccg.nhs.uk/UTCSurvey.