Make your mark in the General Election and why you can trust your YEP to hold those elected to account

Today's the day to make your mark in the General ElectionToday's the day to make your mark in the General Election
Today's the day to make your mark in the General Election | jpimedia
Today is the day of reckoning – and you can shape your community’s future.

Party leaders were criss-crossing the country yesterday in a final bid to shore up support in the chase for votes – including a pit stop right here in Leeds.

But the only way that anybody can make a true difference to their city is to exercise their democratic right to vote in today's General Election.

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Those voted into constituencies around Leeds will be entrusted to represent and serve those communities for the next five years.

At the very start of this election campaign your Yorkshire Evening Post compiled a manifesto of key areas that those in power should be focusing on to support our city.

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Five priorities that must be addressed for Leeds after the election

The YEP also called on those chasing votes to help power up our city’s tech sector and ensure that residents have access to health services and treatments without it becoming a postcode lottery for the healthy.

And make no mistake we will be watching when the results come in tonight... and we will be holding those elected into seats to account.

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Today, readers will brave the wintry weather to head out to polling stations and make their voices heard in the election – which has fallen in December for the first time since 1923.

Trust is at the very heart of this election, and this was made even clearer when Leeds was thrust into the spotlight during the campaign trail this week, after the haunting image of a four-year-old boy on the floor of Leeds General Infirmary swept across the country.

It is unfair that the people of Leeds are faced with the challenge of discerning between truth and lies in an age when news can be consumed from so many different platforms. But now is the time to change that narrative.

Your YEP set the record straight on its front page yesterday to drown out the negative noise and it’s important that those elected remember the impact of this.

We trust our readers to exercise their right to vote, however you choose to, and you can trust your YEP to ensure whoever you do vote for will be held accountable for the city of Leeds.