Readers react to news that the EU could ban British sausages as a result of Brexit

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British meat producers are concerned that they could be banned from exporting sausages to EU countries after Brexit.

Currently, farmers and meat manufacturers require a certificate to sell animal products - but this does not exist for ‘meat preparation’ products. The certificate means that when anything is added to meat brought in from outside the EU, it is subject to strict regulations.

Members of the industry are worried that, unless Britain can negotiate an exemption before the transition period ends in December this year, they could lose out on European trade.

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British sausages could face an EU ban due to BrexitBritish sausages could face an EU ban due to Brexit
British sausages could face an EU ban due to Brexit | jpimedia

Ben Lee said: "If the EU doesn’t want our sausages, tell them they aren’t allowed to buy any. They’ll be howling for them before the day is out."

Agnes Kassatt said: "They can’t get what they want so expect retaliation! They may ban lots in the beginning, but it won’t last."

Susan Gilbert said: "We’re out of the EU no matter how you voted, it’s time to put it behind you and try and make this work. Why argue over sausages and fish?"

Ian Howell added: "Unless either the UK or the EU have changed their standards there is no reason why British sausages can’t be sold in the EU."

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Read the original article hereBrian Clamp said: "We can ban foreign imports as retaliation. It’s called trade negotiations. There will be a compromise. Don’t panic."

Ruth Gs said: "They will want to be sure that they don’t accidentally import hormone fed beef or chlorinated chicken."

Ian Morgan said: "I’d have sympathy if so many farmers hadn’t voted for their own downfall."

To some readers, the news came as no surprise.

Gus Macduff said: "How are people blaming the EU for this when this is exactly the sort of thing we warned would happen?

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Debra Stretton added: "Who knew that exiting our membership of the EU could change the current trading rules?

Steven Spencer said: "We have to keep our standards in line with every country we sell to, if we don’t we can’t trade."

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