Social distancing? How technology is keeping us closer than ever during a time of quarantine - Laura Collins, YEP Editor

Health heroes pictured outside the Nightingale Hospital in Harrogate flooded social media channels on Thursday night as the nation applauded their efforts.Health heroes pictured outside the Nightingale Hospital in Harrogate flooded social media channels on Thursday night as the nation applauded their efforts.
Health heroes pictured outside the Nightingale Hospital in Harrogate flooded social media channels on Thursday night as the nation applauded their efforts. | jpimedia
As we head to the fourth week of lockdown we’re being inventive to stay in touch with our family and friends more than ever.

We’ve never been better connected as a society.

Technology has transformed our lives enabling us to stay in touch with our family, friends and wider network at the simple click of a button.

But as we enter the fourth week in lockdown - to keep our NHS safe and to save lives - for many they will have never felt so alone. It’s not easy being told to stay indoors - by our very nature we are sociable creatures.

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It’s tough being parted from our families at this time of crisis.

When the going gets tough there are only certain things that a hug from your mum can't fix. So as a compromise we’ve had to make do with endless video phone calls as we navigate our way through this challenge - and yes, I’ve seen plenty from my mum’s ceiling as she gets to grips with the concept!

Then there are the familiar faces of friends and colleagues who you see on a daily basis.

When the simple act travelling to and from work is so well ingrained into the daily routine and is stopped it has an impact.

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Who would have thought that we’d actually miss trundling down to the train station to catch the pacer into the city centre?

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Reporting on a crisis is tough but don't forget we're only human too - Laura Col...

And reaching out and keeping connected in other ways is so very important to boost your wellbeing at this time.

For me I love nothing more than logging on to our digital gym sessions at the end of the day with our fabulous team at Crossfit Crosshills.

Yes, our ceiling may well be bearing the scars of dumbbell presses and I am slightly concerned about our floorboards holding up with the staggering number of burpees we’re doing but it’s the light relief that adds a sense of normality.

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It’s also the fun ways of staying connected with friends too - be it the hangout calls or the quirky quizzes we are running online.

This Bank Holiday I’ve already taken part in three online quizzes and loved every single moment.

It was all about keeping connected and being reminded that we’re all in this together - everyone is in the same boat.

And there have been some wonderful TikTok videos of the incredible NHS staff dancing in the corridors to lift the nation’s spirits. Let’s not forget the wonderful social media messages on Thursday celebrating our health heroes.

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Yesterday marked one of the most important dates in the Christian calendar. Churches have closed their doors but the power of technology has helped to ensure that connectivity.

The Archbishop of Canterbury hailed the courage of people working on the front line in response to the coronavirus outbreak as he conducted the first national digital Easter Sunday service from his kitchen.

And in another first The Queen recorded an Easter audio social message for the nation which had the resolute message: “We know that coronavirus will not overcome us.”

So now is the time to send that message or make that phone call - such a simple act of reminding someone that you’re thinking of them will make all the difference.