Why today's YEP is dedicated to our city's #healthheroes in the battle against coronavirus - Laura Collins, YEP Editor

Cartoon from The Yorkshire Post's Graeme BandeiraCartoon from The Yorkshire Post's Graeme Bandeira
Cartoon from The Yorkshire Post's Graeme Bandeira | jpimedia
Today’s Yorkshire Evening Post is dedicated to you.

The army of key workers across our city who are going above and beyond to support others at this time of national emergency.

We’re celebrating the health heroes on the frontline in our city’s hospitals, GP surgeries and health centres who are dealing with the impact of coronavirus first hand.

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They have bore witness to the cruel nature of the virus - yet all the while they are risking their own health to support them.

Today we’re also celebrating the army of carers who are reaching out to some of our city’s most vulnerable and isolated residents.

It’s also about the army of shop workers who are doing their very best to keep the shelves stocked up to feed Leeds.

Today is also dedicated to the bin men who are left touching messages on their rounds; the thousands of volunteers playing their part and all those key workers who are keeping our city’s cogs turning.

You are all heroes and we’re so thankful to you.