Celebrating pioneering Leeds dance teacher's legacy

Nadine SeniorNadine Senior
Nadine Senior | other
The lasting legacy of pioneering Leeds dance teacher Nadine Senior MBE was celebrated during an event at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance.

Nadine, who died aged 76 in 2016, founded the Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) in 1985.

The school on Chapeltown Road held an evening event called 'Remembering Nadine Senior; A Legacy for Leeds' on Tuesday January 28.

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A commemorative plaque was unveiled during the evening, which featured performances from BBC Young Dancer 2019 winner and current student Max Revell.

Nadine SeniorNadine Senior
Nadine Senior | other

There were also performances from postgraduate company Verve and students on the school's Centre for Advanced Training scheme.

Among speakers paying tributes to Nadine were Leeds City Council leader Coun Judith Blake and Coun Peter Gruen.

The NSCD has won praise for widening opportunities for young people and radically transforming Leeds’ cultural landscape.

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It has produced some of the leading names in contemporary dance including Akram Khan MBE, Sharon Watson, Gary Clarke and Tamsin Fitzgerald.

Sharon Watson, artistic director of Phoenix Dance Theatre, who was taught by Nadine at NSCD, said: "Like so many others, I would not be doing what I do today if it wasn’t for the nurturing and inspiring leadership Nadine gave.

"What Nadine did for one she did for all. So many have been inspired by her work and many more will continue to be supported by her legacy.

"She has passed on the mantle to many whom I know continue to deliver and work with an ethos gifted to us by this wonderful woman.

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"Her teaching formed an instrumental part of the city’s DNA, and her legacy sits in all four corners of the world."

Former Northern School of Contemporary Dance student Maxine Fell, who works as artistic director of Newcastle-based Northern Dance, said: "Pioneering, insightful, fair, honest, kind.

"We are all products of this wonderful woman’s vision. She quietly ran NSCD from the wings, allowing others to shine.

"She could see the potential in the most unlikely students and made each of us feel special.

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"I have such respect for Nadine and will be eternally grateful to her for her unfailing conviction in my ability to achieve.

"We all are who we are because of her and were part of a big family, forever connected. Nadine had such a vision and she made it a reality.”

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