Dewsbury engineer Yaseen Patel loses 100kg by training at Leeds gym ahead of charity boxing match

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An engineer has lost an astonishing 100kg by training at a Leeds gym for a charity boxing match.

Yaseen Patel - who used to weigh 205kg (32st 4lbs) - signed up for the bout and completed the gruelling training regime to improve his fitness and show that 'anyone can do this’. The determined 21-year-old, of Dewsbury, had wanted to be a boxer from a young age, but never thought it was possible because of his size.

But Yaseen - who was also taking part in the match to raise money for Cancer Research UK in memory of his grandfather Yusuf Patel - has lost an incredible 100kg (15st 11lbs). Before and after photographs of Yaseen show his dramatic weight loss and now he weighs 105kg (16st 7lbs).

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He said he doesn't even recognise his former self and that he would 'probably be dead right now if he continued the way he did'. The engineer signed up with Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB), which allowed him to raise over £400 for the charity by honing his newly-acquired boxing skills.

Yaseen Patel - who used to weigh 205kg (32st 4lbs) - signed up for the bout and completed the gruelling training regime to improve his fitness and show that 'anyone can do this'. Image: Solent News AgencyYaseen Patel - who used to weigh 205kg (32st 4lbs) - signed up for the bout and completed the gruelling training regime to improve his fitness and show that 'anyone can do this'. Image: Solent News Agency
Yaseen Patel - who used to weigh 205kg (32st 4lbs) - signed up for the bout and completed the gruelling training regime to improve his fitness and show that 'anyone can do this'. Image: Solent News Agency

Participants like Yaseen are given the opportunity to take part in eight weeks of free professional boxing training before a showcase event in front of hundreds of spectators. Those taking part are asked to sell tickets for the show and raise at least £50 for Cancer Research UK.

So far, Ultra Events - the company behind UWCB - has raised a staggering £26m for Cancer Research UK. After his training, Yaseen took part in the event held at Royal Armouries, Leeds, in front of his friends and family.

Despite losing his bout, he said the match was a 'really good experience.' Yaseen said: "I did get hit a bit, and the referee asked me if I wanted to carry on, all I could think about was the messages of support I had received from friends and family. I had 40 or 50 people who came out to support me, It was absolutely electrifying.

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"I wanted to be a boxer when I was bigger but I didn't think I had the capability. I wanted to lose weight and show people that anyone can do this. About two years ago I remember sitting in the car with a friend and we were watching some boxing videos. I was 200kg plus at that point and said as a passing comment 'I want to step foot in the ring and do it one day.' Two years later, here we are, finally I did it."

The engineer signed up with Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB), which allowed him to raise over £400 for the charity by honing his newly-acquired boxing skills. Image: Solent News AgencyThe engineer signed up with Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB), which allowed him to raise over £400 for the charity by honing his newly-acquired boxing skills. Image: Solent News Agency
The engineer signed up with Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB), which allowed him to raise over £400 for the charity by honing his newly-acquired boxing skills. Image: Solent News Agency

Yaseen trained for the event at Bad Company Gym in Leeds with his trainer Richard Smith, and said he was 'completely drained after the eight weeks of training'. He was also helped to get into better shape by his personal trainer, Adam Fitness.

Yaseen said he was inspired to keep going in the match by the memory of his grandfather who passed away from lung cancer aged 70. He added: "My grandad was unwell when I was very young. I was very close to him. While I was in the ring I thought, my grandad's watching, I don't want to let him down."