Ghostly encounters that happened in Leeds from eerie noises to a ghoul in a ballgown

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Readers shared their spookiest stories including hair-raising experiences at Leeds hospitals

Ghosts at work

Spotting a ghoul or ghost at work can be quite the scary experience and our readers told us all about their workplace nightmares.

Deborah Taylor said: “I’ve seen one (a ghost) in the Trinity Centre when I was at work.

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Leeds General Infirmary was one of the most haunted spots our readers mentioned.Leeds General Infirmary was one of the most haunted spots our readers mentioned.
Leeds General Infirmary was one of the most haunted spots our readers mentioned.

“It was a lady in a purple ball gown drifting out of a toilet cubicle - I saw her in the full length mirror.”

Jill Whitehead heard the noises of old sewing machines running at her old job.

She said: “I used to work for a company based in an old building on Mabgate and sometimes would hear sewing machines echoing from the basement.

“It was used for storage but had been a tailoring company in years gone by.”

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One reader saw a ghost in a purple ball gown in the Trinity Centre.One reader saw a ghost in a purple ball gown in the Trinity Centre.
One reader saw a ghost in a purple ball gown in the Trinity Centre.

Ghosts of all ages are scary but spirits of children are particularly ominous.

James Fairclough said: “I used to work at the Leeds Permanent Building Society head office and at the time there was a ghost of a child.”

Simon Freddie Rudi Charlie Harris worked in radio and shared his experience.

He said: “I used to do Hospital Radio at Chapel Allerton and the top floors were pretty much derelict and had limited lighting.

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“The studio was on the upper floors always felt eerie and as if someone was watching you down the corridors.”

Haunted Hospitals

Quite a few of our readers told us scary ghost stories about hospitals in Leeds.

Paul Duckworth said: “I used to work at the Leeds General Infirmary in the 1980s and the worst part for me was under the Brotherton Wing near the operating theatres.

“One day I heard and partially saw someone pass the room where I was working.

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“I thought it was a work mate and waiting for him to pass again but he never did - there was no way out without coming back past me - very spooky.”

Eileen Saville agreed, she used to work on what was known as the ‘sunshine corridor’ and said that she never felt like she was alone there.

Michael Jordan spent time in the hospital with his son and had a spooky experience.

He said: “LGI at night is terrifying, my son had open heart surgery so we were staying in the hospital.

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“Walking down the corridors at all hours you heard some weird noises.”

Haunted Homes

There is nothing scarier than a ghost haunting your home and that is what some of our readers have experienced.

Viv Anne O’Grady said: “I once lived in a house that was haunted by a mother and her young daughter but it didn’t bother me.”

Mike Peacock said: “My Grans house in Holbeck had a previous owner who used a walking stick.

“You could often hear the stick hitting the floor upstairs as the spirit walked about.”

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