'I will feel proud seeing my design': Winners of YEP competition with Burley Banksy announced

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The winners of an exclusive Yorkshire Evening Post competition in collaboration with the 'Burley Banksy' have been revealed.

Imogen-Leigh Fear, 11, has been chosen by the 'Burley Banksy' Andy McVeigh as the winner of the competition.

Many entries were sent to the YEP but Imogen's came out top of the pile - picked by Andy himself.

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Imogen will now have the incredible opportunity to join the Burley Banksy and paint her design onto a box in Leeds following lockdown.

The winners have been revealedThe winners have been revealed
The winners have been revealed | jpimedia

Speaking after she received the news, Imogen said: "I am really excited at winning the Burley Banksy competition and can’t wait to be able to go out and help get my design painted.

"I am really missing going to Elland Road and watching Leeds, especially as we are so close.

"Watching Leeds is my special thing I do with Grandad and Grandma and I will feel proud seeing my design as we all walk to the ground.


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The winning designThe winning design
The winning design | jpimedia

Two lucky runners up will receive a canvas painting by the Burley Banksy.

Nine-year-old Esmae was one of the two lucky entrants.

Her design incorporated the famous Leeds chant 'pump it up'.

Her dad Lee told the YEP: "She was super happy to be a runner up and said she chose the design because it’s her favourite chant when she goes to games."

Esmae, 9Esmae, 9
Esmae, 9 | jpimedia

The other runner up was Katy Jones.

Her design included the home flags for each of the Leeds United starting line-up.

Andy loved the unique design.

Katy told the YEP to be chosen as runner up was 'amazing'.

Katy JonesKaty Jones
Katy Jones | jpimedia

A message from the Editor:

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Thank you for reading this story on our website. These are challenging times but the team at the Yorkshire Evening Post need your support more than ever in the weeks ahead.

While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you. In order for us to continue to provide high quality and trusted local news on this free-to-read site, I am asking you - wherever possible and providing it is safe for you to do so - to also please purchase a copy of our newspaper.

Inevitably falling advertising revenues will start to have an impact on local newspapers and the way we continue to work during this period of uncertainty. So the support of our readers has never been more important as we try to make sure that we keep you connected with the city you live in during this time. But being your eyes and ears comes at a price. We need your support more than ever to buy our newspapers during this crisis.

Our team of trusted reporters are working incredibly hard behind the scenes- from kitchen tables and spare bedrooms - to look at how we can do this and your continued support to the YEP will help to protect its viability in the days and weeks ahead.

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Thank you

Laura Collins
