Military children's charity Little Troopers praises five-year-old Leeds boy who goes 'above and beyond' to help disabled mum

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A five-year-old Leeds boy has been presented with an award for taking care of his disabled mum while his military dad serves overseas.

Henry Georgeson was singled out for recognition by the military children’s charity Little Troopers, becoming the second child from the city to win one of its awards.

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Henry earned his Little Trooper of the Month medal for the support he has shown toward mum Lizzy while dad Lewis, who serves in the British Army, is on deployment.

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Henry Georgeson has been Little Trooper of the Month by the military children's charity Little Troopers.Henry Georgeson has been Little Trooper of the Month by the military children's charity Little Troopers.
Henry Georgeson has been Little Trooper of the Month by the military children's charity Little Troopers.

Lizzy is an amputee and Henry helps her with tasks around the house, despite suffering issues with his own health and having doctors appointments without his dad there for support.

Lewis has spent more time away than at their family home since Henry was born, missing multiple birthdays and Christmases.

Lizzy said: “Henry really misses his daddy but he just gets on with it without any complaints, helping me do household jobs and trying really hard at school.”

She said he is not only helpful but is also “often described as a mini-comedian”, making everyone around him laugh.

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“He is a real little trooper and we are so proud of him,” she added.

Along with the Little Troopers medal, Henry has also received a certificate and a £50 voucher from the charity.

Its founder, Louise Fetigan, said: “It’s not easy for any military child to have their parent deployed away from home for many months at a time, but Henry has really gone above and beyond, helping his mum around the house and also coping with his own hospital stay while his dad has been away.

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“He’s very deserving of our Little Trooper of the Month Award and we hope he wears his medal with pride.”

Little Troopers works to support children who have parents serving in the British Armed Forces, providing resources for use at home and offering workshops for schools.

Henry follows in the footsteps of nine-year-old Harry Green, also from Leeds, who received the honour last month.

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