Plans to shut 90-year-old Leeds golf course one step closer

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Plans to close Temple Newsam Golf Club are one step closer after council decision-makers agreed to consult with the public on plans for a new cycling facility.

But it wasn’t before opponents spoke out against the plans, with one claiming the idea should be scrapped altogether, and replaced with a plan that would allow the golf club to remain in place.

The plans were made public last week, with many golfing regulars calling for the club to remain open.

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And, during a debate on the plans at Leeds City Council’s decision-making executive board, leader of the Leeds Conservatives Coun Andrew Carter said: “My preference would be that this item is withdrawn – I don’t think it’s ambitious enough. It’s one of the largest parks, not only in Yorkshire, but in Europe.

Temple Newsam Golf Club.Temple Newsam Golf Club.
Temple Newsam Golf Club. | jpimedia

“It is not in any way ambitious enough – it would have been perfectly possible to maintain the golfing facilities and to introduce all these other much-needed facilities simultaneously.

“If I was a member of the public I would feel extremely concerned that this consultation was a paper exercise and nothing more.”

He asked for new proposals to be brought forward adding that any consultation results should be brought back to the board.

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A council officer responded: “We can certainly consider that as part of a consultation process, and come back to members with other options, rationale and pros and cons against that option.

“We will do that as part of the public consultation.”

Earlier in the meeting, the item was introduced by the council’s executive member for active lifestyles Coun Mohammed Rafique (Lab), who said: “It’s one of the Europe’s largest parks and one of the most popular in the city.

“We all agree that golf is nationally in decline, and it costs the council over £200,000 a year to manage at Temple Newsam.”

He added that, given the climate emergency, the authority was also proposing the landscape is made better for the environment. He added the site would be covered by more diverse tree cover and vegetation.

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A council officer added that there was a plan to consult with “a number of stakeholders”, including Temple Newsam Golf Club Ltd which currently runs the club, as well as Friends of Temple Newsam and local residents.

He added: “We would like to approach a number of community organisations. We also want to do consultation with the general public on an online survey. We want to open up as many opportunities as possible for people to engage.”

The plans hit the headlines last week when campaigners said they were going to fight to save the golf club, which opened in 1929.

Early plans for the site from Leeds City Council include cycle trails, a BMX pump-track and a family road-safety park which can host cycling workshops for schools.

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There would also be a cafe and a new events space for gigs, festivals and other events.

Leeds Liberal Democrats leader Coun Stewart Golton told the meeting: “I’m unaware of why this paper has been brought forward in this manner.

“I don’t feel as strongly as Coun Carter, but it felt a little unfinished. There wasn’t a policy direction saying why we were planning to get rid of the golfing facility and replace it with bike facilities.

“We need to make sure that the community that is being served by the activity that is there already isn’t just being dismissed.

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“The golfing isn’t just a matter of pounds, shilling and pence, it also has value in terms of the community we support.”

Responding to both Coun Golton and Coun Carter’s comments, Coun Rafique said that usage of the golf club had declined over the past decade, adding: “It’s something we have to look at reluctantly.

“Because of what’s happened in the last 10 years, we are living in a very difficult financial climate. As a council we are having to cut vital front-line services and, as a result of that, we have a massive funding gap going into next year.

“We are having to go to consultation and look at this.

“We are looking at other ways where communities could utilise that space and, given the health inequalities in our communities, I think this will benefit the community.”

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The executive board agreed to allow the council’s Parks and Countryside department to start public consultation on the proposed closure of the golf course and the proposed development, adding that the item should come back before the executive board at a later date.