Councillor's call for Leeds road inquiry

A north Leeds councillor is calling for an inquiry into how the city's road network is maintained.

Harewood councillor Matthew Robinson has written to the chair of a Leeds City Council scrutiny board to ask for an inquiry into how the city’s highways are repaired.

Coun Robinson (Cons, Harewood) also wants the City Development Scrutiny Board to look again at the approach taken in maintaining and repairing drains and gulleys.

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Coun Robinson says that roads often need repairing a short time after receiving 
attention and that there are concerns about the effectiveness of the micro-asphalt process, which has caused pot holes and damage to the highway.

Coun Robinson said: “Our road network is among the most vital of all the city’s infrastructure.

“With pressure on the council’s budget it’s surely right that we look at the methods we’re using tomaintain and repair roads, and decide if they’re providing good value for money.

“Too often it seems that roads suffer damage relatively quickly after they have been resurfaced, which is doubly bad for the council as it means 
vehicles have to deal with a poor road surface and the council has to pay out more money for repairs.

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“Are we using the best methods and are they delivering good value to taxpayers? These are the questions I’d like the scrutiny board to look at.

“I also think the council should look closely at how well it is identifying and repairing damaged drains and gulleys.

“Given the impact of Storm Eva, it seems appropriate that we look at our own assets and what we are doing to alleviate flooding.

“I hope the board will consider looking at these matters as part of this year’ work programme.”

The City Development scrutiny board looks set to meet next week.