MPs in Leeds react as Partygate inquiry finds Boris Johnson misled Parliament over lockdown parties

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Leeds MPs and residents have hit out after an inquiry found that Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament over lockdown parties.

The damning report from MPs said that the former Prime Minister had repeatedly offended by issuing denials about his involvement in gatherings – and that he would have faced a 90-day suspension from Parliament if he had not resigned as an MP last week.

A number of politicians in Leeds have welcomed the findings, including Richard Burgon, the Labour MP for Leeds East. He said in a tweet: “Boris Johnson acted like it was one rule for him and another for everyone else.

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"But he did that because all too often that’s exactly what happens: the rich and powerful get away with it. For once there's a little bit of justice. Good riddance.”

Boris Johnson resigned as an MP after accusing a Commons investigation into whether he misled Parliament of attempting to "drive me out". Photo: Jonathan Brady/PA Wire.Boris Johnson resigned as an MP after accusing a Commons investigation into whether he misled Parliament of attempting to "drive me out". Photo: Jonathan Brady/PA Wire.
Boris Johnson resigned as an MP after accusing a Commons investigation into whether he misled Parliament of attempting to "drive me out". Photo: Jonathan Brady/PA Wire.

Fabian Hamilton, the Labour MP for Leeds North East, said on his Twitter account: “When I raised the lockdown Downing Street party, Boris Johnson told me I was ‘in error’. He lied to me, to Parliament, and to the British people. We all deserve better than the Conservatives.”

Andrea Jenkyns, the Conservative MP for Morley and Outwood, was the only member in Leeds to shared a message of support for Johnson. She tweeted a picture of the former Prime Minister with the slogan “I’m backing Boris” emblazoned across it.

Residents, meanwhile, were less sympathetic. Simon Till said: “If we don’t have a general election after this, God knows what needs to happen.”

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James Robertson said: “The UK is at the end of a very long queue that Boris has mislead throughout his life.”

Steve Fleming said: “Bearing in mind the committee has a Tory majority, they don’t trust him and nor should anyone else.”

Others, like Shawn Williams, suggested that an inquiry was not necessary to make such findings. He said: “We didn’t need an investigation to know this – it was known all along.”

Sarah Trench agreed. She said: “We didn’t need a report. The man is a liar.”