Three hoaxes to hit honest Leeds

Kirkstall Abbey.Kirkstall Abbey.
Kirkstall Abbey.
After the '˜Justin Bieber is moving to Leeds' hoax lit up the internet we thought we'd have a look at some other hoaxes to hit our honest city.

Michael Duberry’s not dead

Former Leeds United defender Michael Duberry woke up one morning to find twitter bemoaning his untimely death. The shocked footballer found he had been pronounced dead the night before by ex centre back partner Rio Ferdinand. The mischievous Man United player had tweeted “I’m gonna pour out a lil Bud.....RIP @Original_Dubes” sparking surprise and condolences from his followers.

Leeds United’s fake tour to Zambia

The Zambian press were delighted to welcome a slightly bemused Leeds team at Lusaka airport in 1990. The fact that they were actually a student team from Carnegie College had not got through to the Zambian press who reported with enthusiasm on the team’s arrival. A photo of a red-headed member of the team even had the caption ‘Gordon Strachan’.

Kirkstall Abbey reconstructed

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This one was our fault in fairness. On April 1 we published a story claiming a development company suspiciously named YP Construction were planning to turn the iconic ruins into a combined post-modern conference centre and ice rink. Readers were a bit too canny though. Stuart Gledhill wrote on our Facebook page “certainly got me chuckling this morning” while Helen Gibson Davies said “very funny April Fools”.