Leeds based Jet2 cancels all flights until mid June - everything you need to know

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Leeds based airliner Jet2 has cancelled all flights until mid-June in a new announcement.

Jet2, based in Leeds, made the announcement following Foreign Office warnings to not travel overseas 'indefinitely'.

The airline has cancelled all flights until June 17 at the earliest.

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Customers are expected to be given a full refund within 14 days without needing to contact the airline if their flight is before this date.

Jet2 | jpimedia

Jet2 will contact all passengers booked to fly before June 17.

A Jet2 spokesperson said: “We are proactively contacting customers in departure date order to discuss their options, one of which is rebooking their holiday to a later date.

“We know just how important holidays are to our customers, and how much they give customers something to look forward to, particularly during difficult times such as these.

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“We recognise that these unprecedented events have had a huge impact on our customers, and we would like to thank them for their loyalty, understanding and patience.

“Although these are difficult times for everyone, the sun will come out again.

“We are keeping this decision under constant review, in line with guidance from governments and the relevant authorities.”

Editor’s note: first and foremost - and rarely have I written down these words with more sincerity - I hope this finds you well.

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